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Rowan Claypool
Contributor, Son
Carolyn Ratliff

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      We must never forget that today's legendary achievements-awesome as they may seem-were yesterday's risky adventures. Courage is not the capacity never to be afraid; as Karl Barth reminds us, 'Courage is fear that has said its prayers.'

      Dr. John R. Claypool

      We do not first get all the answers and then live in the light of our understanding. We must rather plunge into life meeting what we have to meet and experiencing what we have to experience and in the light of living try to understand. if insight comes at all, it will not before, but only through and after experience.

      Dr. John R. Claypool

      If we are willing, the experience of grief can deepen and widen our ability to participate in life.

      Dr. John R. Claypool

      The real meaning of mercy is that it can look on failure and still see a future.

      Dr. John R. Claypool

      Have a story to share?

      Tell us how Dr. John R. Claypool impacted your life. We'd love to hear from you!